Friday, February 29, 2008

in the future

this is my first and possibly only attempt at live blogging or lilogging. i'm in a dunkin donuts. i don't know where i am but i know where i'm going but i don't know what will happen when i get there. a brilliant metaphor for my life


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sunday, February 24, 2008

building houses in my head

obi wan kenobi is like a teacher, he teaches luke how to use his light up sword to swing at the little pokeball, and he has to do it... without seeing

i really like the cut of this kids jib

in other news i wrote a song yesterday that has hell of been stuck in my head since, i think it might be legit good, will report back


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

2 rights make 1 wrong

live streaming video from your video mobile phone. sounds insane, frankly but its reality. this caused a vision of what the future of media is going to be like dawned on me. people using other people simply to process information. people become parts of the computer of the world. the evolution of intelligence on earth.

- sf

Sunday, February 17, 2008

you know your friends rule

when they get you stuff like this

Saturday, February 9, 2008



so yesterday i decided i was going to finally put to good use the 4-track di got me for christmas, that until now i had only had time to do some vocal tests which were basically just me singing classic rock songs over poorly played guitar. i decided that the first thing i would record would be myself covering "love athena" by the olivia tremor control, mostly because it was simple enough for me to figure out and write down the timing for in my notebook. so a lo-fi recording is what resulted and can be found here. i used all four tracks, track one i played the main chords cleanly out of a shitty practice amp which was then mic'ed with a shure sm58 mic that was lent to me. tracks three and four i recorded in stereo the background guitar parts distorted and on a delay. track four was the vocals which i added last. upon playback it was obvious that the guitar part on track 3 and 4 was much too loud, so i decided to erase it and rerecord it, however, since it was so loud it bled onto the other tracks, so when i erased it it was still there in the form that i decided sounded exactly how i wanted it too.

anyway, check it out, i'm pretty proud of myself for how it turned out even though its kinda bad
