Wednesday, February 25, 2009


i turned 26 a few months ago, life, as most things, gets so much more uneventful the older you get, the longer amount of time between life moments. think about it comparatively with the amount of ridiculous things that happen between conception and birth, between birth and age 5, between age 5 and age 15, between age 15 and age 25. then it kind of stops, life's inevitable entropic slowdown. just like the universe, in like a lion and out like a lamb (or depending on your view of things, a much more subtle, sinister lion.) today i was inspired in several ways to make a list of 26 albums that truly defined my life and to paraphrase - came at the right moments rather then those that are loved in a more constant basis - seeing the forest for the trees, and all that jazz. so without further rambling adieu, i present them to you, one at a time of course

1. stone temple pilots - core
this, along with the much less memorable pink floyd - division bell, was the first CD i ever bought, and pretty much my first favorite band. i remember going to the now defunct wall in the phillipsburg mall and being so embarassed to purchase a record with the word "sex" in it in front of my mom, then and now consistantly and unneccesiarely fearing her scrutiny. "plush" was the post nirvana pre-smashing pumpkins powerhouse that literally turned my 10 year old brain into
mush. i remember the next day at school i thought i was so cool that i had just purchased CDs that to me were beyond hip for a 5th grader (i had recieved the CD player as a christmas gift a few months earlier) until some more popular/meaner kid decided he was going to throw my backpack across the recess lot of my elementary school. i flipped, ran and grabbed the CDs out of my bag and lo-and-behold my prized possessions cases were both cracked. pulling them out to show the bully yelling "look what you did to my CDs." him, along with everyone else were extremely non-plussed with (read: lol'ing at) my fledgeling music collection. though not the first time i had felt like an outsider, it was the first time i was made to feel like an outsider because of something i intrinscily knew was cool. also one time at the seaside heights boardwalk i bought a stone temple pilots baseball cap which i wore without any reservation for most of middle school.

next: owen - no good for no one now
whats in that syringe, liquid sour dough bread? zzzzzz